Mr. Schuck's Language Arts Class

Death in The Woods: The 10-day Unit
Day 1 .................................... Storytelling & Point-of-View
Day 2 .................................... One Story, Two Points-of-View & Qualities of Storytellers
Day 3 ..................................... Preparing to Write & Visualizing and Hearing Characters
Day 4 ..................................... A Story in the Voice of Someone Else & Listening to Students' Stories
Day 5 ..................................... Listening to Death in the Woods
Day 6 ..................................... Omniscient and Limited Omniscient Narration & Reading Section I
Day 7 ..................................... Reading Section II & Making Inferences
Day 8 ..................................... Reading Section III & Understanding How Writers Use Plot
Day 9 ..................................... Reading Sections IV and V
Day 10 ................................... What Makes it Newsworthy?